The Perfect Lazy Walk Around Oxford Michigan

This lazy walk around Oxford, Michigan, is the perfect way to enjoy downtown Oxford, Michigan, scenery. Plenty of fun things to do, eat, and drink are within easy reach of the Polly Ann Trail, which passes just north of downtown. The trail crosses M24 on the tall, sturdy, safe pedestrian bridge.

Looking back along the route of the lazy walk around Oxford Michigan.
The PollyAnn Trail on a perfect summer evening.

Where to Park?

Downtown has a pretty sizable amount of parking behind the downtown buildings on both sides of M24, from the movie theater on the south to the pedestrian bridge on the north.

For this particular walk, though, plan to park just off Glaspie / North Oxford Road, a few blocks east. A small gravel parking lot is right next to the Polly Ann Trail, almost always empty.

Where to walk?

You can stroll west along the Polly Ann Trail toward downtown from the parking lot. There’s a stop sign at Glaspie Street, so you don’t have to worry about dodging traffic. Even though the Polly Ann Trail is a fine gravel here, it’s easy rolling for wheeled carts, strollers, or chairs. The trail turns paved in just a few hundred feet, and the surface is smooth.

From here, you have a few choices for your perfect lazy walk around Oxford, Michigan.

Grab a cup of coffee at White Pine Coffee Roasters

If you want a coffee at White Pine Coffee Roasters (a morning walk), head over the bridge. The coffee shop is right off the far end of the bridge; you can’t miss it. More than a few running and biking groups like to start by the coffee shop and get a latte after their workout.

Treat yourself to ice cream at Frosty Boy.

Continue down the Polly Ann Trail for a quarter mile until you get to Seymour Lake Road, then turn left onto the sidewalk back toward downtown. Frosty Boy is the local ice cream shop with walk-up and drive-through service.

Learn some local history.

Walk up the gentle hill to downtown, and soon you’ll be at “the” main stoplight in Oxford – M24 and Seymour Lake/Burdick Street. The east-west road that crosses M24 is Seymour Lake, west of M24, and Burdick Street, east of M24. I have no idea why, but the fine folks at the Northeast Oakland Historical Museum probably do, and it’s right on the corner. Stop in if they’re open!

Straight on View of Historical Museum Oxford
Northeast Oakland Historical Museum, on the NW corner of Seymour Lake and M24.

From here, you could cross M24, walk down the sidewalk on Burdick Street, and turn north at Glaspie to head back to your car. That would be a solid walk, but you’d miss out on a few treats. For example, Mr. Zeros Arcade is a real coin-operated arcade just north of Seymour Lake on M24.

Pinball machines at Zeros Arcade
Pinball machines at Zeros Arcade

Whether you stop for a rousing game of Pac-Man or drop into one of Oxford’s many eateries, downtown Oxford is a great place to relax before heading back to your car and the end of your “lazy walk.” The total distance is under 2 miles, by the way!

If you are looking for more walking adventures check out these posts: